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white. I mean, yes, many whites are racist. But many Indians, blacks, Chinese, etc are racist also. It’s kind of a racist stereotype– all whites are racist. :\

Certainly, it’s not as damaging as racism against other races in the US. Whites have a definite privilege. Whites have more privilege over nonwhites than men have over women, even.

But little is accomplished in raging about how every white person is inherently racist. Addressing the societal mechanisms that further racist indoctrination in children would be much more useful. That is, improving public education, increasing support for poor families, etc. Blacks in this country are disproportionately poor and poverty tends to lead to crime, and crime keeps families poor. It’s a vicious cycle.

But I can’t tell you how many bright young black students are snuffed out by black peers accusing them of trying to be white. Black culture has a horrid perspective on education, which is that it’s a “white” thing. Bettering one’s self academically is “white.” And that’s fucked up.

And there’s nothing accusing random white people of racism is going to do about that one. That’s going to have to be fixed by black role models who aren’t criminals and who don’t glorify criminals. I mean men and women like the Obamas, who go out and accomplish things in a very public way, but not just the artists and entertainers like Beyoncé and Tyra Banks.

October 12, 2009 at 1:24 am
Andi says: